March 1, 2018 – Day 121 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Journey – Today my niece Journey kept me company as I edited train pictures on my computer. She’s, and all my other nieces and nephews are such a joy to be around and photograph! Makes getting my daily black and white photo a lot easier, plus allows for some great moments between us as I do so. More often than not, at some point, I will be asked to turn the camera (iPhone or otherwise) over to them and let them take pictures! I’m so happy that they all enjoy taking photographs and hope it continues through out their lives and they continue to have “fun” with doing so. Encourage the young ones in your life to take pictures!!! You’ll never regret it!
February 28, 2018 – Day 120 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Jordan – Caught my nephew in mid-stride today as he moved between rooms here at the house. I love the light and framing of this shot. Keep an eye out for interesting scenes that make for a good picture and if it needs a human element, just wait. One will usually come along!
February 27, 2018 – Day 120 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Art from Art – Today some of us from our local photography club met for lunch at our local Pizza Hut. I captured this photo of a lamp and things on the way in a corner booth and happy with the way it turned out. Art from art! Pictures are everywhere, just keep your eyes open!!
February 26, 2018 – Day 119 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Winner! – Monday’s after Damion’s Karate Practice we head off to church for youth choir practice. When we get there it’s always a race to see which one of us gets to the door first! For some reason he seems to always win! Today I decided to capture our race and used the burst mode on my iPhone to shoot pictures as I ran behind him for the door and this is my favorite from the burst! Making great memories!! He received his golden crown today for learning all of his kindergarten site words for the year at school!
February 25, 2018 – Day 118 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Take my picture – Today at lunch my great-great niece Journey asked me to take her picture! All of them (12) do this from time to time and seem to always have a smile that makes me feel all warm inside! If the little one in your life asks for you to take their picture, don’t hesitate! I shot this one using the portrait mode on the iPhone. I love the effect it gives on portraits, but your subject can’t be moving around much, as it takes a second or two for the camera to do it’s thing!
Well, I’m behind posting my black and white challenge photos again so here’s a post to catch up! I have been shooting them, just not getting them posted. I’ll try to do better!!!
February 24, 2018 – Day 117 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Williams Motor Company – I spent the day railfanning and came across this old truck. I’ve been working on a series I call “Machines” and this one I grabbed in Wingo, Ky. Personal projects are great when it comes to photography. They can give you a common thread that you can build a book around down the road, or gallery display. They can also challenge you and help you become a better photographer.
February 16, 2018 – Day 109 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Shutterbug Jayden – Today after I picked my 5-year-old nephew up from school he asked if we could go out and shoot some pictures and of course I said yes! I grabbed this shot of him shooting a picture of me in our old courthouse. He’s one of my “Shutterbugs.” I have 12 (currently) great-great nieces and nephews under the age of 7 and when they each turn 4 (and live in driving distance for the most part) we start going out on photo adventures together. Right now, we have 6 of the kids that are officially “Shutterbugs.” If you’d like to follow Jayden youll find him and the others at . There’s links there to his and the others Facebook and Instagram accounts that are managed by me.
February 15, 2018 – Day 108 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Flower Children – When Journey and Elaina got here after school they came running into my office, excited to show me the flowers their Grandma got them! They were so excited and pleased with the flowers that I asked them if I could take a picture of them and of course they said yes and stuck them out for the camera! Then as fast as they did it they both noticed my two cats and then the moment disappeared! When photographing little ones, you have to be fast!!
Well, I’m five days behind posting my daily challenge photos so here they all are together in one post!
February 10, 2018 – Day 103 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Birthday Girls – Today I caught this wonderful moment between my great-great niece Journey whos 4th birthday is today and her aunt (my great niece) Ashley, who celebrates her birthday tomorrow! Sometimes pictures are right next to you! You just have to notice them!!
February 14, 2018 – Day 107 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Tracks – Seems like some days I have a one-track mind, or maybe two! LOL Good, strong leading lines can help make your photo strong!
February 13, 2018 – Day 106 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Peek-a-boo – My niece Journey plays a bit of peek-a-boo as I snap photos of her during lunch today. You don’t always have to include the whole face when photographing kids.
February 12, 2018 – Day 105 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Light and Patterns – I snagged this shot as I was waiting in line to pickup my nephew Damion at school today. I like the patterns of the bricks and the light and dark sides of the wall. Combining light and patterns can help make for a dynamic photograph. Keep your eyes open to what’s around you!
February 11, 2018 – Day 104 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Super Kid – Sometimes a picture doesn’t have to be the highest quality to be a great photograph! Today I caught this photo of my youngest nephew Jeremiah with his cape on and while the light was really low, and he was moving a mile a minute, I think it all adds to the photograph! Don’t not take a picture because you don’t think it’ll turn out! Sometimes you’ll be surprised!
February 9, 2018 – Day 102 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – A “Tired” Snowman – Mamaw was getting new tires put on today at one of our local tire shops and I stopped by to pick up Elaina and take her to lunch with me when we spotted this “Tired” snowman! She said, “Picture!” Of course, I said yes!!
February 7, 2018 – Day 100 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – The Barn – Today’s photo comes from Princeton, Indiana where I went to photograph trains. I’ve passed this spot on numerous occasions, but never stopped as theres not really anyplace to pull over. When I saw the two horses in the sun I pretty much stopped in the middle of the road and shot the photo. Fortunately, I could see in either direction for a long way. Sometimes you must do “Whatever it takes” to get the shot you want. Still, always be safe!!
February 6, 2018 – Day 99 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Two Thumbs Up – My nephew Damion gives my new recliner two thumbs up as he tries it out for the first time! When he got here and saw the new chair I knew I was going to get a reaction, so I pulled out my iPhone even before he got into the chair to try it out. Being prepared for what you feel will be a good photo opportunity will go a long way in getting a good photo.
February 4, 2018 – Day 97 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Group Hug and a Prayer! – My nieces Journey (in the middle of everyone), Elaina and nephews, Jayden and Damion get a group hug and prayer from their Worship and Wonder Leader, Jodi, at First Christian Church. I so love that these kids enjoy coming to church as much as they do! Photograph the lives of your little ones and big ones! It’s memories like this that make it worth it!
February 3, 2018 – Day 96 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – On the big screen – Tonight my sister and I went to see the latest Maze Runner sequel at our local theater. When we got to the auditorium early and it was empty except for us, so I made my way down to the very front in search of today’s photo. Thinking it was going to be a challenge for my iPhone because of how dark it was, until I found that right down front I could include myself on the commercials running on the screen. I shot several different photos but liked this hail Mary type pose the best! Sometimes, you have to be a picture taker and other times a picture maker!
January 31, 2018 – Day 93 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Tree – This is another of my favorite trees to photograph. I’ve been shooting it pretty much ever since it was planted here many, many years ago behind the movie theaters here in town. A good ongoing project of photographing the same object over a long period of time will help improve your seeing as it can be a challenge to come up with different photographs of the same thing that you’ve shot before!
January 30, 2018 – Day 92 – iPhone 7 Plus Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Artist at Work – My nephew Damion has decided he wants to make his own comic books! Here he is creating his first! The title is, “The Battle” by Damion Rose. It’s about a Dragon, Ninja, Sloth and Robot doing battle! Photograph the things your subject is interested in doing! You’ll be much happier and get better photographs if you do. Also, encourage the young ones in your life to pursue their dreams!