CSX Q101-15 heads south under the coaling tower at Sullivan, IN

August 16, 2017 – As dusk begins to fall, BNSF 4477 and NS 8554 lead intermodal train CSX Q101-15 (Chicago, IL-Savannah, GA), south underneath the old C&EI coaling tower, which was built in 1941 to service steam locomotives, as it headed south on CSX’s CE&D Subdivision at Sullivan, Indiana! Of the three CSX trains I caught under this tower today and only one of the trains had any CSX power and it was trailing. Thought it was a bit unusual!

CSX Q028-16 northbound at Sullivan, Indiana

August 16, 2017 – BNSF 7608 and 7643 were a great surprise when I found them leading CSX Q028-16 as it popped out underneath the old coaling tower as it headed north on CSX’s CE&D Subdivision at Sullivan, Indiana!

Good friend and fellow railfan Ryan Scott and I headed up to this spot late in the afternoon hoping to catch some traffic under this tower that was built in 1941 to service steam locomotives with coal during their runs. Another friend, Ryan Collins had posted a picture from here earlier in the week and I knew I wanted to catch a few photos from here so I made the two hour trip north and picked up Ryan along the way.

When we got there we were listening to the scanner and became concerned that we wouldn’t get much before it got dark because Q645 had broken a knuckle and went into emergency a bit further to the north and they didn’t have one on their engine. Plus Q101 was behind them and we knew 28 was heading toward them.

Both the southbounds were in a siding and Q028 had a knuckle on their train so they pulled on up to where the conductor on 645 was waiting and dropped off the knuckle. Of course they had to replace the knuckle and make sure all the cars on their 10,000+ foot train were still upright before 28 could continue past them.

I thought sure we weren’t going to catch any southbounds before we lost all of our light at the coaling tower, but we were fortunate that the railfan God shined upon us and we caught both of them before it got too dark! I’ll post the other two photos over the next few days!

We also were fortunate enough to catch some Indiana Railroad action while we were waiting as well! Those will be coming over the next few days as well! A totally great afternoon/evening trackside!!!

Looking for CSXT 323!!!

August 15, 2017 – This morning about 10am CSXT 323 leading, with the L&N Herald on it, passed my house in Richland, Ky headed south toward Calvert City Loadout. I didn’t have time to give chase so I figured I give it enough time to get there and start its way around the loop.

So I headed down about 1pm, following the Paducah and Louisville line which the train takes to Calvert City, Ky. I checked Princeton Yard to make sure it wasn’t there and it wasn’t so I headed on down to the loadout.

When I arrived I was pleasantly surprised to find this empty BNSF train getting ready to depart toward Paducah, Ky. There was another train in the loop and so I figured the CSX train had already started around and decided to head down to the Paducah and Louisville Yard and get some shots of the BNSF train there, as it would take awhile for CSXT 323 get get back around the loop where I wanted to shoot it.

Well, I got the shots at Paducah I wanted, plus a few others that I’ll share over the next few days, and headed back to Calvert City, as I figured I had given the train there enough time for the engine to move around the loop where I could photograph it.

Well, I arrived back and a train was right where I figured it would be, but it wasn’t CSX, but a loaded P&L coal train from Warrior Coal in Madisonville! So, now I’m still trying to figure out where they put the CSX train as I checked all the accessible sidings between Princeton and Calvert City. So, I’m guessing they put it into the siding at Dawson Springs, Ky as I didn’t stop there and check of course. You can’t see the head end of a train in the siding there anyway as it’s about 1/2 mile from any crossing and around a curve.

Some days just don’t go as planned! LOL Still got a few nice shots and stopped for some great BBQ on the way home! Maybe I’ll get lucky and catch it tomorrow on its way back north!

BNSF 8564 sits as the DPU on the end of a loaded coal train at CN-PAL Junction

May 30, 2017 – BNSF 8564 sits as the DPU on the end of a loaded coal train as it sits in the siding at CN-PAL Junction in Paducah, Ky. The two facing lights are restricting signals into the yard limits. Top head will display a flashing head when lined straight through and the bottom head will display a flashing red when lined into the sidings.

BNSF coal train at Calvert City, Ky

May 30, 2017 – I spent a good part of my birthday trackside yesterday roaming around between Calvert City and Paducah, Ky! This shot is of a BNSF coal train as it finishes unloading at Calvert City, Ky with engines 5980, 9228 and it’s DPU was 9175.

CSX Q586-8 with BNSF power and Q515-08 with UP power meet at Slaughters, Ky

May 8, 2017 – A friend gave a heads-up about CSX 323, the engine with the L&N logo on it headed south, so I set out to see if I couldn’t catch it. Didn’t happen, but I did catch this meet between CSX Q586-8 with BNSF power and Q515-08 with UP power, at the north end of the sliding in Slaughters, Ky on the Henderson Subdivision. It works that way sometimes, setting out to capture one thing and finding another!

July 27, 2015 – CSX X283-26 at North Casky, Hopkinsville, Ky

July 27, 2015 - CSX X283-26, an autorack headed up by BNSF 6625 and 7397, make their was south at the north end of Casky in Hopkinsville, Ky as they head down the Henderson Subdivision under stormy skies. - Tech Info: 1/2000sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, Lens: Sigma 24-70 @ 24mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

July 27, 2015 – CSX X283-26, an autorack headed up by BNSF 6625 and 7397, make their was south at the north end of Casky in Hopkinsville, Ky as they head down the Henderson Subdivision under stormy skies. – Tech Info: 1/2000sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, Lens: Sigma 24-70 @ 24mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – A set of BNSF engines on UP’s Chester Sub, Gorham, Illinois.

June 26, 2015 - A set of BNSF engines pull a heavy coal train south on Union Pacific's Chester Subdivision as they approach Gorham, Illinois. Traffic was being re-routed from across the river due to flooding. - Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 450, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 195mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – A set of BNSF engines pull a heavy coal train south on Union Pacific’s Chester Subdivision as they approach Gorham, Illinois. Traffic was being re-routed from across the river due to flooding. – Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 450, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 195mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – BNSF 9260 at Paducah, Ky

June 26, 2015 - BNSF 9260 moves it's loaded train along the Shawnee Power Plant Lead as it heads to the plant to offload it's coal at Paducah, Ky. - Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 2000, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 300mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – BNSF 9260 moves it’s loaded train along the Shawnee Power Plant Lead as it heads to the plant to offload it’s coal at Paducah, Ky. – Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 2000, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 300mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – BNSF engine 6073 at Gorham, Illinois

June 26, 2015 - BNSF engine 6073 leads a manifest train south on UP's Chester Subdivision as it passes under the north end signal bridge approaching Gorham, Illinois. - Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 180, Lens: Sigma 24-70 @ 70 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW

June 26, 2015 – BNSF engine 6073 leads a manifest train south on UP’s Chester Subdivision as it passes under the north end signal bridge approaching Gorham, Illinois. – Tech Info: 1/1250sec, f/5.6, ISO 180, Lens: Sigma 24-70 @ 70 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW

June 26, 2015 – A loaded BNSF grain train at Gorham, Ill

June 26, 2015 - A loaded BNSF grain train, with engine 8253 in the lead, heads south on the Chester Subdivision through Gorham, Illinois.  - Tech Info: 1/150sec, f/5.6, ISO 450, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 195 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – A loaded BNSF grain train, with engine 8253 in the lead, heads south on the Chester Subdivision through Gorham, Illinois. – Tech Info: 1/150sec, f/5.6, ISO 450, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 195 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

June 26, 2015 – BNSF engine 4599 at Gorham, Illinois

June 26, 2015 - BNSF engine 4599 leads a northbound grain train through the yards at Gorham, Illinois on the Chester Subdivision as another northbound UP freight waits in the background. - Tech Info: 1/1250 sec, f/5.6, ISO 360, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 300 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW. ?#?jimstrainphotos?

June 26, 2015 – BNSF engine 4599 leads a northbound grain train through the yards at Gorham, Illinois on the Chester Subdivision as another northbound UP freight waits in the background. – Tech Info: 1/1250 sec, f/5.6, ISO 360, Lens: Nikon 70-300 @ 300 mm with a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW. ?#?jimstrainphotos?