January 18, 2020 – Canadian National 5654 leads the way on CSX K445 as it prepares to pull upgrade at Ace, at Guthrie, Kentucky, as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision with a loaded ethanol train.
January 18, 2020 – Canadian National 5654 leads the way on CSX K445 as it prepares to pull upgrade at Ace, at Guthrie, Kentucky, as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision with a loaded ethanol train.
January 18, 2020 – Canadian National Ethanol Train CSX K445 heads up the grade at Pembroke, Ky with CN 5654 leading the way as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision.
January 1, 2020 – I spent New Years Day trackside between the CN at Fulton, Ky the CSX Memphis Subdivision and the West Tennessee Railroad (WTRR) in Jackson, Tennessee yesterday with good friend and fellow photographer Ryan Scott of IndianaRails! We had a great trip and although moving trains were pretty scarice, we had the good fortune of catching a few nice gems and knocking this shortline off our bucket list.
We both plan on returning to chase the WTRR between Jackson and Fulton, now that we kinda have a better feel for where things are at! A big shout out to all the folks that gave us suggestions along the way! It’s folks like you that help make this passion so much fun!
This photograph is of a CN intermodal as it takes on fuel at late dusk at Fulton, Kentucky before continuing on it’s northbound trip on the Cario Subdivision. It was shot from a crossing with my Nikkor 70-300mm lens at 300mm. ISO was 1,000, exposure was 1/4 second at f/5.6 on a tripod. This is also just north of the Amtrak station in Fulton and so the platform helped nicely with its lighting.
July 19, 2019 – Canadian National 3880 leads CSX empty grain train, V240-17 up the grade out of Mortons Gap, Kentucky as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision.
July 19, 2019 – Canadian National 3880 leads CSX empty grain train, V240-17 through Slaughters, Kentucky as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision as the engineer Mr Goldsberry gives a friendly wave.
July 10, 2019 – Canadian National 8947 and 2255 lead CSX V257-09 and two other CSXT units as they approach the road crossing just north of Gum Lick Trestle, hauling a mixed load of empty grain and ethanol cars as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision.
May 20, 2019 – CSX W990-12, with Canadian Pacific 8798, Canadian National 2550, CSXT 5312 and 3442 leading the way approaches Mortons Junction on the Henderson Subdivision at Mortons Gap, Ky as it heads north with a load of windmill motors and a long string of grain hoppers on the end of it’s train.
May 15, 2019 – Savatrans SVTX 1982 and 1912 head up a recently unloaded coal train at the Sitran Dock at West Franklin, Indiana as the train waits for a relief crew to show up to take it for another load. The Chris Cline Group are owners of the company “Savatrans” which purchased three ES44AC locomotives that operate from Sugar Camp Mine in Akin, IL to West Franklin, IN near the Mount Vernon/West Franklin area. In the background putting out all the steam is the Abengoa Bioenergy plant.
April 27, 2019 – CN 8874 leads a mixed freight south on the Centralia Subdivision through downtown Centralia, Illinois. – #jimstrainphotos #illinoisrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #cn #cnrailway
April 27, 2019 – Illinois Central 1005 leads a southbound CN freight as it pulls into the yard at Centralia, IL on the Centralia Subdivision. – #jimstrainphotos #illinoisrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #cnrailway #canadiannational
April 17, 2019 – Canadian National 2845 (GE ES44AC) with GECX 2037 trailing, leads CSX Q501 as it passes through the north end of Hanson, Ky as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #csx #csxrailroad #cn #cnrailway
April 17, 2019 – Canadian National 2845 (GE ES44AC) with lease unit GECX 2037 trailing, leads CSX Q501 as it approaches the south end of the siding at Slaughters, Ky as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #csx #csxrailroad #cn #cnrailway
March 27, 2019 – CSX Q028-26 (Atlanta, GA – Chicago, IL) pulls through the crossing at the north end of Slaughters Siding, with Union Pacific 4011 and Canadian National 3149 as power, as it heads north at Slaughters, Ky on the Henderson Subdivision. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #csx #csxrailroad
March 12, 2019 – CN 2569 leads CSX Q500-12 as it heads through Mortons Gap, Ky with UP 5075 trailing on its way north on the Henderson Subdivision. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #csx #csxrailroad #cnrailway #uprailroad
February 13, 2019 – Illinois Central 1024 and 1035 lead CN local freight L51371-13 north at Fancy Farm, Ky, on CN’s Bluford Subdivision. The Illinois Central is one of many railroads over the years that has been absorbed by Canadian National Railways over the years and these two are among the few that still remain in Illinois Central Paint. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #cn #canadiannationalrailway #illinoiscentralrailway
February 13, 2019 – CN 9566 runs long nose forward as it shuttles 3 cars into their yard at Fulton, Ky. – #jimstrainphotos#kentuckyrailroads#trains#nikond800#railroad#railroads#train#railways#railway#cn#canadiannational
February 13, 2019 – Illinois Central 1024 and 1035 lead CN local freight L51371-13 under the overpass at Walter Valley, Ky, on CN’s Bluford Subdivision. The Illinois Central is one of many railroads over the years that has been absorbed by Canadian National Railways over the years and these two are among the few that still remain in Illinois Central Paint. –#jimstrainphotos#kentuckyrailroads#trains#nikond800#railroad#railroads#train#railways#railway#cn#canadiannationalrailway#illinoiscentralrailway
February 13, 2019 – CN 2439 (L512) leads a southbound grain train as it passes a northbound grain train (L512) at Watts Siding, east of Wingo, Ky, on it’s way to Fulton, Ky on CN’s Bluford Subdivision.- #jimstrainphotos#kentuckyrailroads#trains#nikond800#railroad#railroads#train#railways#railway#cn#cnrailway
November 21, 2018 – A CN 5471 heads up the local as it makes its way through the north switch at CR Junction under Hinkleville Road, in West Paducah, Kentucky as it makes it’s daily rounds of the area. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #cn #cnrailway
November 21, 2018 – CN 5471 heads up the Fulton local as it prepares to pass the signal, just down from the Coleman Road crossing in West Paducah, Kentucky as it makes it’s daily rounds of the Paducah area. – #jimstrainphotos #kentuckyrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #cn #cnrailway
November 21, 2018 – Arriving just over 3 hours late due to mechanical problems in Chicago, Amtrak 391, the Saluki, meets a northbound CN freight at the coaling towers in Carbondale, Illinois as the last light of the day fades from the sky on the Centrailia Subdivision. #jimstrainphotos #illinoisrailroads #trains #nikond800 #railroad #railroads #train #railways #railway #amtrak #passengertrains #cn#cnrailway