CSXT 119 leads W016, a loaded rail train, through downtown Mortons Gap, Kentucky on August 25th, 2023, as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/2000, ISO 120.
CSXT 119 leads W016, a loaded rail train, through downtown Mortons Gap, Kentucky on August 25th, 2023, as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/2000, ISO 120.
Digital Photo Art – Paducah and Louisville Railway 3803 and UK Wildcats 1998 lead a northbound rail train northbound at Claxton, Kentucky, on February 24th, 2015.
Tech Info: Nikon D800, Nikon 70-300 @ 125mm, f/6.3, 1/2500, ISO 250.
CSX rail train W471 rounds the curve leading to the Red River bridge at Adams, Tennessee, as it heads south on the Henderson Subdivision on July 31st, 2023. The train and its crew were bound for Cedar Hill, TN where they spent the afternoon picking up used rail along the right of way there.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.
A clean, shinny Union Pacific 6902 in UP’s brand new paint scheme, leads a loaded rail train as it heads west on the Norfolk Southern West District at Mt. Carmel, Illinois on July 8th, 2023.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/2500, ISO 150.
This is the reverse view during our run to Seattle, Washington of the Union Pacific MOW Equipment I caught from my recent trip and the only Union Pacific equipment I caught on this day was this Maintenance of Way equipment at The Dalles in Oregon. They were busy picking up ties on the Portland Subdivision, by The Dalles Dam, on June 20th, 2023, with UP 958200 leading the trainset and this view is from the rear of the MOW Equipment with UP 959201.
If you didn’t see yesterday’s photo you can find it on all my social media sites and website.
From what I can find online Union Pacific took delivery of the RELCO built MofW work equipment set #958200 in July 2019. The set is made up of special flats/gons and a rebuilt SD-40-2 locomotive (former number unknown). The trailing unit was numbered UP 958201.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/2000, ISO 140.
#trainphotography #railroadphotography #trains #railways #dronephotography #trainphotographer #railroadphotographer #jimpearsonphotography #trains #mavic3classic #drones #trainsfromtheair #trainsfromadrone #UnionPacific #MOWtrainset #oregontrains
During our run to Seattle, Washington my sister and I traveled along the Columbia River Gorge on our recent trip and the only Union Pacific equipment I caught on this day was this Maintenance of Way equipment at The Dalles in Oregon. It was busy picking up ties on the Portland Subdivision, down from The Dalles Dam, on June 20th, 2023, with UP 958200 leading the trainset.
At the far end of the equipment, you can see where they are picking up ties along the right-of-way and I’ll be posting another shot showing that end tomorrow morning. An unusual and cool looking piece of equipment for sure!
From what I can find online Union Pacific took delivery of the RELCO built MofW work train set #958200 in July 2019. The set is made up of special flats/gons and a rebuilt SD-40-2 locomotive (former number unknown). The trailing unit was numbered UP 958201.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/1600, ISO 100.
CSX 8882 leads rail train W010 as it passes the old Louisville and Nashville Railroad Depot at Madisonville, Kentucky on April 17th, 2023, as it heads north on the Henderson Subdivision.
This depot was originally dedicated in 1929 and last saw passenger service about 1968 when L&N built an office at Atkinson Yard in Madisonville and the passenger train service was moved to that location. Currently the station is owned by the city of Madisonville and houses one of the hubs of the Kentucky Innovation Stations, which helps courageous entrepreneurs, creative business founders, high-growth startups, working on their own success stories.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/1600 sec, ISO 170.
CSXT 5398 leads Geometry Train W001 through the signals at the south end of Kelly siding at they inspect their way south on the CSX Henderson Subdivision at Kelly, Ky on April 5th, 2023.
A track geometry train is a track inspection train on a rail transport system used to test several parameters of the track geometry without obstructing normal railroad operations. Some of the parameters generally measured include position, curvature, alignment of the track, smoothness, and the cross level of the two rails. The cars use a variety of sensors, measuring systems, and data management systems to create a profile of the track being inspected.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 180.
LoRam shoulder ballast cleaner SBC-2401 kicks up a dust storm as it makes its way north on the CSX Henderson Cuttoff through the beautiful spring countryside of Mortons Gap, Kentucky on May 10th, 2022, as it moves slowly along cleaning the ballast on both sides of the rails.
Shoulder ballast cleaning consists of removing ballast at the end of the ties, screening the ballast, and discarding fines and fouling material and restoring the good ballast to the shoulder. Integrated scarifiers break open end of tie mud pockets, removes fines, and restores ballast voids in the shoulders and under the tie ends and release damaging trapped water.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Air 2S Drone, RAW, 22mm, f/2.8, 1/1600, ISO 130.
Norfolk Southern 1053 and Grand Trunk 5860 in original paint, lead and empty rail train through the countryside between Union City, TN and Fulton, Ky as they head north on the CN Fulton Subdivision, on March 25th, 2023.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone, RAW, 24mm, f/2.8, 1/2500, ISO 110.
LORAM Railgrinder RG414 grinds through the S curve at Nortonville, Kentucky as it makes its way south on the CSX Henderson Subdivision on May 23rd, 2022.
According to LORAM’s Website: Rail grinding is the cornerstone of virtually every railroad maintenance program. It maximizes the life and value of rail assets through precision removal of fatigued metal, restoration of the rail head profile and removal of rail defects which are the optimization goals of an effective rail grinding program.
Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @ 150mm, f/5, 1/320, ISO 3200.
LORAM Railgrinder RG414 grinds through a curve as it makes its way south at Nortonville, Kentucky on the CSX Henderson Subdivision on May 23rd, 2022.
According to LORAMs Website: Rail grinding is the cornerstone of virtually every railroad maintenance program. It maximizes the life and value of rail assets through precision removal of fatigued metal, restoration of the rail head profile and removal of rail defects which are the optimization goals of an effective rail grinding program.
Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @ 390mm, f/6, 1/250, ISO 3600.
LoRam shoulder ballast cleaner SBC-2401 makes its way north on the CSX Henderson Subdivision out of Mortons Gap, Kentucky on May 11th, 2022, as it moves slowly along cleaning the ballast on both sides of the rails.
Shoulder ballast cleaning consists of removing ballast at the end of the ties, screening the ballast, and discarding fines and fouling material and restoring the good ballast to the shoulder. Integrated scarifiers break open end of tie mud pockets, removes fines, and restores ballast voids in the shoulders and under the tie ends and release damaging trapped water.
Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @ 600mm, f/6.3, 1/2000, ISO 500.
CSXT 911 leads B419 with a loaded coke train as it meets Loram shoulder ballast cleaner SBC-2401 waiting in the siding at the north end of Slaughters, Kentucky on the Henderson Subdivision on May 15th, 2022. The coke train made its way to Atkinson Yard in Madisonville, KY where it was picked up by the Paducah and Louisville Railway and taken on their line to the Calvert City Terminal at Calvert City, KY.
CSXT 911 is one of several specialty painted units that CSX has painted in the last few years and this unit honors First Responders.
The shoulder ballast cleaner removes ballast at the end of the ties, screens the ballast and discards fines and fouling material and restoring the good ballast to the shoulder. Integrated scarifiers break open end of tie mud pockets, removes fines, and restores ballast voids in the shoulders and under the tie ends and release damaging trapped water.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Air 2S Drone, Altitude 61ft, RAW, 22mm, f/2.8, 1/500, ISO 140.
LoRam shoulder ballast cleaner SBC-2401 makes its way north on the CSX Henderson Cuttoff through the beautiful spring countryside of Mortons Gap, Kentucky on May 10th, 2022, as it moves slowly along cleaning the ballast on both sides of the rails.
Shoulder ballast cleaning consists of removing ballast at the end of the ties, screening the ballast and discarding fines and fouling material and restoring the good ballast to the shoulder. Integrated scarifiers break open end of tie mud pockets, removes fines, and restores ballast voids in the shoulders and under the tie ends and release damaging trapped water.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Air 2S Drone, RAW, 22mm, f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.
What appears to be a CSX Harsco Mark IV tamper leads the way as it and other equipment make their way through the crossovers at Nortonville, Kentucky on the CSX Henderson Subdivision on April 5th, 2022, after finishing some track work between Romney and Oak Hill on the Henderson Subdivision.
Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @ 280mm, f/5.6, 1/500, ISO 2000.
LORAM Railgrinder 401 grinds its way north on the Paducah and Louisville Railway on a beautiful fall afternoon as it crosses over the CSX Henderson Subdivision at Arklow in Madisonville, Kentucky on November 15th, 2021.
According to Wikipedia: A railgrinder (or rail grinder) is a maintenance of way vehicle or train used to restore the profile and remove irregularities from worn tracks to extend its life and to improve the ride of trains using the track. Rail grinders were developed to increase the lifespan of the tracks being serviced for rail corrugation. Rail grinding is a process that is done to stop the deformation due to use and friction on railroad tracks by removing deformations and corrosion. Railroad tracks that experience continual use are more likely to experience corrugation and overall wear.
Rail grinders are used to grind the tracks when rail corrugation is present, or before corrugation begins to form on the tracks. Major freight train tracks use rail grinders for track maintenance based on the interval of tonnage, rather than time. Transit systems and subways in major cities continue to use scheduled rail grinding processes to combat the corrugation common to heavily used tracks. Rail-grinding equipment may be mounted on a single self-propelled vehicle or on a dedicated rail-grinding train which, when used on an extensive network, may include crew quarters. The grinding wheels, of which there may be more than 100, are set at controlled angles to restore the track to its correct profile.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Air 2S Drone, RAW, 22mm, f/2.8, 1/500, ISO 100.
CSXT 6025 leads CSX W001 inspection train as it splits the signals on the north end of the siding at Kelly, Kentucky with Southern Pacific Birch Grove, CSX Florence and TGC2 Geometry Car trailing, as they make their way south on the Henderson Subdivision on July 13, 2021.
Research from a friend reveals: Built by The Budd Company in 1950 as 6 double bedroom, 10 roomette sleeping car 9020 for service on the Southern Pacific’s Los Angeles-New Orleans “Sunset Limited.” The car was acquired by Amtrak in 1971 and renumbered 2696. Converted to Heritage 10-6 sleeper with handicapped roomette in 1980 and renumbered to 2451 and named Birch Grove.
The Car was retired in 1995 and sold to Cincinnati Railway Company. It was upgraded 2002-03 and had a complete interior upgrade in 2005. As of 2014 it was owned by the Cincinnati Railway Company.
CSX purchased the Birch Grove car from the Cincinnati Railway in September of 2020 and from what I find online they plan to use it as part of its executive fleet. They also bought the dome car Moonlight Dome from them for the same reason.
According to Wikipedia: A track geometry car (also known as a track recording car) is an automated track inspection vehicle on a rail transport system used to test several parameters of the track geometry without obstructing normal railroad operations. Some of the parameters generally measured include position, curvature, alignment of the track, smoothness, and the cross level of the two rails. The cars use a variety of sensors, measuring systems, and data management systems to create a profile of the track being inspected.
One of the earliest track geometry cars was Car T2 used by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Project HISTEP (High-Speed Train Evaluation Program). It was built by the Budd Company for Project HISTEP to evaluate track conditions between Trenton and New Brunswick, NJ, where the DOT had established a section of track for testing high-speed trains, and accordingly, the T2 ran at 150 miles per hour or faster.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone, RAW, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 100.