BNSF SPC1 arriving at Paducah, Ky

A infrared view from November 17th, 2020 of BNSF 6092, 6370 and 9196 head up empty coal drag SPC1 a Paducah and Louisville Railway crew pulls it into the north end of the yard at Paducah, Kentucky from Calvert City Terminal. Here a fresh BNSF crew will pickup the train and take it on north for another load of coal.

#trainphotography #railroadphotography #trains #railways #infraredtrainphotography 

Tech Info: Fuji XT-1 with a Fuji 18-55 @ 26mm, f/5.6, 1/110, ISO 3200 and a 720nm IR filter.

A infrared view from November 17th, 2020 of BNSF…

BNSF SPC1 arriving at Paducah, Ky A infrared view from November 17th, 2020 of BNSF 6092, 6370 and 9196 heads up empty coal drag SPC1 as a Paducah and Louisville Railway crew pulls it into the north end of the yard at Paducah, Kentucky from Calvert City Terminal. Here a fresh BNSF crew will pickup the train and take it on north for another load of coal.

#infraredtrainphotography Tech Info: Fuji XT-1 with a Fuji 18-55 @ 26mm, f/5.6, 1/110, ISO 3200 and a 720nm IR filter.

Waiting on a fresh crew at Calvert City, Ky

On November 17th, 2020 BNSF 6092, 6370 and 9196 head up empty coal drag SPC1 as it sits in the loop at Calvert City Terminal waiting for a fresh crew from the Paducah and Louisville Railway to ferry the train back to their yard at Paducah, Kentucky. There a fresh BNSF crew will pickup the train and take it on north for another load of coal.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 100.

November 17th, 2020 BNSF 6092, 6370 and 9196 head up…

Waiting on a fresh crew at Calvert City, Ky

On November 17th, 2020 BNSF 6092, 6370 and 9196 head up empty coal drag SPC1 as it sits in the loop at Calvert City Terminal (CCT)waiting for a fresh crew from the Paducah and Louisville Railway to ferry the train back to their yard at Paducah, Kentucky. There a fresh BNSF crew will pickup the train and take it on north for another load of coal.

CCT offers its customers unprecedented flexibility through its rail & barge loading, rail & barge unloading, short- & long-term storage, and material blending services.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 100.

LORAM Maintenance at Madisonville, Ky

Crews work on the grinding wheels of LORAM Grinder 54 as it sits just south of the Paducah and Louisville Railway yard at Madisonville, Kentucky on a crisp cool fall morning on November 10th, 2020.

Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @450mm, f/6, 1/640, ISO 320.

LORAM Grinder 4 at Paducah and Louisville West Yard, Madisonville, Ky

LORAM Maintenance at Madisonville, Ky

Crews work on the grinding wheels of LORAM Grinder 4 as it sits just south of the Paducah and Louisville Railway yard at Madisonville, Kentucky on a crisp cool fall morning on November 10th, 2020.

Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @450mm, f/6, 1/640, ISO 320.

PAL UK and U of L SB Load of Coal

Paducah & Louisville Railway 2012 (University of Kentucky) and 2013 (University of Louisville) locomotives lead a loaded coal train as it travels next to Ky Hwy 70 at Richland as it heads south to Calvert City, Kentucky after picking up another load at Warrior Coal loadout at Nebo, Ky, on October 27, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/120, ISO 200.

PAL Loaded Coal SB at Richland, Ky

PAL UK and U of L SB Load of Coal

Paducah & Louisville Railway 2012 (University of Kentucky) and 2013 (University of Louisville) locomotives lead a loaded coal train as it travels next to Ky Hwy 70 at Richland as it heads south to Calvert City, Kentucky after picking up another load at Warrior Coal loadout at Nebo, Ky, on October 27, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/120, ISO 200.

Paducah & Louisville LG1 Northbound

Paducah and Louisville Railway's University of Kentucky Locomotive 4522 leads LG1, a northbound Louisville Gas and Electric load of coal across the drawbridge at Rockport, Kentucky on October 30, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Paducah & Louisville LG1 Northbound at Rockport, Ky

Paducah and Louisville Railway’s University of Kentucky Locomotive 4522 leads LG1, a northbound Louisville Gas and Electric load of coal across the drawbridge at Rockport, Kentucky on October 30, 2020.
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.
PAL UK and U of L leading empty coal

A Paducah and Louisville Railway empty coal train travels along the Warrior Coal Mine Lead, with University of Kentucky (2012) and University of Louisville (2013) leading the way, as it approaches AC Slaton road as it makes its way to Warrior Coal mine to pick up another load of coal for the Calvert City Terminal on October 27, 2020 in a light foggy mist.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 100.

PAL empty coal headed for Warrior Coal, Madisonville, Ky

PAL UK and U of L leading empty coal

A Paducah and Louisville Railway empty coal train travels along the Warrior Coal Mine Lead , with University of Kentucky (2012) and University of Louisville (2013) leading the way, as it approaches AC Slaton road at Madisonville, Ky as it makes its way to Warrior Coal mine to pick up another load of coal for the Calvert City Terminal on October 27, 2020 in a light foggy mist.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 100.

PAL Northbound loaded coal

Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 and 4503 lead the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train northbound at McHenry, Kentucky on its way to Louisville on September 21, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Paducah and Louisville Railway LGE train at McHenry, Ky

PAL Northbound loaded coal

Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 and 4503 lead the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train northbound at McHenry, Kentucky on its way to Louisville on September 21, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Lunch Break!

Union Pacific 6493 and 7188 pull away from their Paducah and Louisville Railway PRX2 loaded coal train just outside Princeton, Kentucky after the crew received permission to stop for lunch from PAL dispatch on October 17, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Union Pacific 6493 and 7188 at Princeton, Ky

Lunch Break!

Union Pacific 6493 and 7188 pull away from their Paducah and Louisville Railway PRX2 loaded coal train just outside Princeton, Kentucky after the crew received permission to stop for lunch from PAL dispatch on October 17, 2020.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

October 7, 2020 - A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew uses GMTX 397 switcher to push cars into their yard from the north end at Paducah, Ky.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew…

October 7, 2020 – A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew uses GMTX 397 switcher to push cars into their yard from the north end at Paducah, Ky.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

October 7, 2020 - Paducah and Louisville Railway crew runs PRX3 south across the bridge at Kentucky Dam with a loaded CSX coal train at Gilbertsville, Ky as it heads for the Calvert City Terminal at Calvert City, Ky with another load as CSXT 63 leads the way.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/2500, ISO 100.

Loaded CSX coal train crosses bridge at Kentucky Dam…

October 7, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway crew runs PRX3 south across the bridge at Kentucky Dam with a loaded CSX coal train at Gilbertsville, Ky as it heads for the Calvert City Terminal at Calvert City, Ky with another load as CSXT 63 leads the way.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/2500, ISO 100.

October 7, 2020 - A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew uses GMTX 397 switcher to move cars around in at the north end of the yard in Paducah, Ky as a BNSF train waits for a crew with BNSF 2922, HCLX 3881 and 1058 as power.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew…

October 7, 2020 – A Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job crew uses GMTX 397 switcher to move cars around in at the north end of the yard in Paducah, Ky as a BNSF train waits for a crew with BNSF 2922, HCLX 3881 and 1058 as power.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

May 13, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2107, leads LV1, a Scotty’s Rock train, south with PAL 2106, 2121 and 2100 trailing, as they roll through the valley at Caneyville, Kentucky, after picking a load of rock cars from Scotty’s Contracting & Stone at Litchfield, bound for their Madisonville operation.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

PAL Scotty’s Rock train at Caneyville, Ky

May 13, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2107, leads LV1, a Scotty’s Rock train, south with PAL 2106, 2121 and 2100 trailing, as they roll through the valley at Caneyville, Kentucky, after picking a load of rock cars from Scotty’s Contracting & Stone at Litchfield, bound for their Madisonville operation.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

September 24, 2020 - Paducah & Louisville (PAL) 4512 and Evansville Western 4511 lead a 5,400ft loaded coal train through downtown Calvert City, Kentucky on its way to the Calvert City Loadout.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/320, ISO 100.

Paducah & Louisville (PAL) 4512 and Evansville Western 4511…

September 24, 2020 – Paducah & Louisville (PAL) 4512 and Evansville Western 4511 lead a 5,400ft loaded coal train through downtown Calvert City, Kentucky on its way to the Calvert City Loadout.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/320, ISO 100.

September 21, 2020 - Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 and 4503 lead the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train across the trestle at Big Clifty, Kentucky on its way north to Louisville.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Paducah and Louisville Railway LG coal at Big Clifty, Ky

September 21, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 and 4503 lead the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train across the trestle at Big Clifty, Kentucky on its way north to Louisville.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

September 24, 2020 - Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2109 and its crew work their yard at Paducah, Kentucky as early signs of fall begin to appear in the trees.

Tech Info: Full Frame Nikon D800, RAW, Nikon 70-300 @ 180mm, f/5, 1/1000, ISO 450.

Paducah and Louisville Railway yard job works…

September 24, 2020 –

September 24, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2109 and its crew work their yard at Paducah, Kentucky as early signs of fall begin to appear in the trees.
Tech Info: Full Frame Nikon D800, RAW, Nikon 70-300 @ 180mm, f/5, 1/1000, ISO 450.

C (PAL) 2109 and its crew work their yard at Paducah, Kentucky as early signs of fall begin to appear in the trees.

Tech Info: Full Frame Nikon D800, RAW, Nikon 70-300 @ 180mm, f/5, 1/1000, ISO 450.

September 29, 2020 - Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2109, 2110, 2117 and 2120 lead local WW1 across Interstate 69 at Madisonville, Kentucky as they head to CSX's Atkinson yard with a lone car today for interchange with CSX. From here they will take the junction trackage called East Diamond and head back across the other bridge in the background to Atkinson at Madisonville where they dropped the car and picked up a much longer string of cars for the return trip to Princeton, Ky. 

PAL runs this local pretty much M-S from Princeton to Madisonville and there's another local that runs from Paducah to Princeton to move traffic between those cities with pretty much the same schedule. There's also another local that runs from Louisville to Paducah and back, but it is normally a night run in both directions. Occasionally I see these trains run also on Sunday, but it's not the norm.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 200.

Paducah and Louisville Railway WW1 crosses I-69 at Madisonville, Ky

September 29, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2109, 2110, 2117 and 2120 lead local WW1 across Interstate 69 at Madisonville, Kentucky as they head to CSX’s Atkinson yard with a lone car today for interchange with CSX after dropping off a long string of cars at their West Yard in Madisonville. From here they will take the junction trackage called East Diamond and head back across the other bridge in the background to Atkinson at Madisonville where they dropped the car and picked up a much longer string of cars for the return trip to Princeton, Ky.

PAL runs this local pretty much M-S from Princeton to Madisonville and there’s another local that runs from Paducah to Princeton to move traffic between those cities with pretty much the same schedule. There’s also another local that runs from Louisville to Paducah and back, but it is normally a night run in both directions. Occasionally I see these trains run also on Sunday, but it’s not the norm.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 200.


Paducah and Louisville Coal Train southbound across Barkley Dam, Ky

September 24, 2020 – Paducah & Louisville (PAL) 4512 and Evansville Western 4511 lead a 5,400ft loaded coal train across Barkley Dam at Grand Rivers, Kentucky on the Cumberland River, as they head for the Calvert City Coal Terminal at Calvert City, Ky.

Barkley Dam construction along with Kentucky Dam formed the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area by stopping the flow of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, forming Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake respectively and the PAL mainline runs right across the dam.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/320, ISO 100.

May 13, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2107, leads LV1, a Scotty’s Rock train, south with PAL 2106, 2121 and 2100 trailing, on the elevated tracks past the location of the old Illinois Central (IC) Depot in Central City, Kentucky, after picking a load of rock cars from Scotty’s Contracting & Stone at Litchfield, bound for their Madisonville operation.

Around 1920 the IC elevated the mainline through Central City, KY. As part of the project the IC built a new passenger station. The station was a bit unusual, for the actual depot was at street level, and passengers/baggage/freight would take an elevator up to the tracks.

The IC crossed over the L&N's "Owensboro & Nashville" line (where the bridge is in the curve) from Owensboro south to Adairville, KY. The Louisville and Nashville (L&N) passenger trains also used the station until the L&N dropped service on the line in 1941.

The IC discontinued passenger service on the Kentucky Division in 1957. It's suspected the Central City station was demolished soon afterwards. (Thanks to Cliff Downey for the information on the depot!)

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/160, ISO 100.

PAL 2107 leads Scotty’s Rock train at Central City, Ky

May 13, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway (PAL) 2107, leads LV1, a Scotty’s Rock train, south with PAL 2106, 2121 and 2100 trailing, on the elevated tracks past the location of the old Illinois Central (IC) Depot in Central City, Kentucky, after picking a load of rock cars from Scotty’s Contracting & Stone at Litchfield, bound for their Madisonville operation.
Around 1920 the IC elevated the mainline through Central City, KY. As part of the project the IC built a new passenger station. The station was a bit unusual, for the actual depot was at street level, and passengers/baggage/freight would take an elevator up to the tracks.
The IC crossed over the L&N’s “Owensboro & Nashville” line (where the bridge is in the curve) from Owensboro south to Adairville, KY. The Louisville and Nashville (L&N) passenger trains also used the station until the L&N dropped service on the line in 1941.
The IC discontinued passenger service on the Kentucky Division in 1957. It’s suspected the Central City station was demolished soon afterwards. (Thanks to Cliff Downey for the information on the depot!)
Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/160, ISO 100.

Paducah & Louisville local WW1 at Monarch, Madisonville, Ky

September 22, 2020 – On the first day of fall Paducah & Louisville local WW1, led by PAL 2112 crosses of the CSX Henderson Subdivision at the location known as Monarch in Madisonville, Ky.

The local was on its way to CSX’s Atkinson yard to perform interchange work between the PAL and CSX after making their way from the PAL yard at Princeton, Kentucky. Still working on trying to catch two trains at this spot! It will happen!

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/140, ISO 100.

September 21, 2020 - Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 leads the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train as it skirts the downtown area of Central City, Kentucky on its way north to Louisville.

The grassy area below is the general location of the old Illinois Central depot from the days when passenger trains used to service Central City. There used to be an elevator that took the passengers up to the tracks to catch their trains. 

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.

Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012…

September 21, 2020 – Paducah and Louisville Railway University of Kentucky locomotive 2012 leads the afternoon Louisville Gas and Electric coal train as it skirts the downtown area of Central City, Kentucky on its way north to Louisville.

The grassy area below is the general location of the old Illinois Central depot from the days when passenger trains used to service Central City. There used to be an elevator that took the passengers up to the tracks to catch their trains.

Tech Info: DJI Mavic Mini Drone, JPG, 4.5mm (24mm equivalent lens) f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 100.