02.02.12 Scott Dillingham
I grabbed this portrait of Scott Dillingham during Thursday night’s basketball game at Dawson Springs. Scott is the editor and publisher of the Dawson Springs Progress newspaper and is one of those guys you’d say has ink in their blood. Great guy all around. We were setting next to each other under the basket and pointed my camera at him and called his name. I shot off about four pictures and this is the one I liked the best.
I processed the photo in Photoshop CS5 and converted it to black and white using the Topaz B&W Effects plugin to achieve this final look. I also used the burn tool to darken down the edges slightly to draw focus on him better.
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon 50mm f/1.4
Exposure: Matrix Metering, 1/500, f/2.8 with an ISO of 4,000
File Type: Nikon RAW